One of the things that we miss most during these challenging times is live music, with the Midland area having some phenomenally talented artists and musicians.
But what we have loved seeing is that some of our favorite artists and musicians have not let the challenges of COVID-19 stop them and have found innovative ways to continue to treat us to their amazing music.
Here are four local artists that you need to follow.
Wolf 359 Band
Wolf 359 band from Midland has played together for over 15 years. Naturally, the challenges of recent times have resulted in them unable to play in live venues.
However, they took it upon themselves to be one of the first bands to use Facebook Live in the area to broadcast performances and utilize Venmo to offset some of their losses from not playing live venues.
Find them on Facebook Page here.
Part Bee
Part Bee is an excellent country-rock trio also from Midland with the head of the band Tom Terrett playing in this area well over 30 years.
His band partnered up with local radio stations to broadcast live concerts from his patio. Great job, guys!!
Discover more on their Facebook Page here.
West Texas Funk
West Texas Funk, the Permian Basins premier funk band, took it upon themselves right after the quarantine to rent a trailer and travel from neighborhood to neighborhood playing music and uplifting people’s spirits during this trying time.
Check out their Facebook page here.
Brother Z band
Brother Z band from Midland specializing in 70’s-90’s top 40 hits. They had the trouble of getting all the band members together to do any performances because of COVID.
To reach his audience, he decided to do acoustic shows using only a guitar and conga, and it’s incredible.
Check out their Facebook Page here.
All these musicians found ways not only to continue practicing their craft but used technology to overcome challenges.
Please be sure to support them, both now and when live venues re-open their doors.
With all our love, Stay safe.
From Dr. Sally and the entire staff at All About Hearing.