During Hearing Health Awareness Month, the team has been talking with people across Midland about why frequent hearing assessments are crucial.
Many locals want to protect and preserve their hearing, but they don’t know what to expect when they come to the clinic.
Sometimes, this can make them hesitant to book a potentially life-changing appointment.
So we’ve put together an outline of what you can anticipate when you first meet with your doctor of audiology, from start to finish.
A warm welcome
When you sit down with your specialist, they’ll initially want to learn about you and your symptoms.
They’ll ask you to reflect on your day-to-day hearing experiences and why you felt it was important to address your concerns now.
In addition, they’ll want to find out about your medical history and whether other members of your family have a hearing loss.
This is because certain types of medication can pose problems, while conditions can also be inherited from generation to generation.
Once they’ve received all this background information, they’ll be ready to start examining your ears more closely.
The physical inspection
Your specialist will now want to take a look inside your ears to check that there are no obvious issues.
They’ll inspect both the inner and outer parts of your auditory system, including behind your eardrum and inside your ear canal.
Occasionally, they find swelling or fluid in people’s ears, often symptomatic of an ear infection.
Other times, they see a simple blockage or wax build-up, which can easily prevent you from hearing clearly.
However, if there aren’t any problems, they’ll move forward with the assessment.
The hearing tests
Your specialist will now take you to the sound booth, where they’ll run you through a specially designed hearing test.
Some might remember taking these as a child, but for others, they’ll be completely new.
Through headphones, you’ll listen to a series of beeps that will reduce in volume and clarity over a given period.
All you’ll need to do is press a button when you hear a sound, with your results mapped on an audiogram.
Once this is complete, you’ll be brought back to your specialist’s office to review the findings.
Your recommendations
Your doctor of audiology will then make recommendations based on the outcomes of your assessment.
Some people may be referred to an ear, nose, and throat doctor if their condition would benefit from medical treatments.
But most with a confirmed hearing loss will be fantastic candidates for hearing aid treatments.
Your specialist will be happy to give you a demonstration of the technology available, and if you are ready to move forward, they can even fit you on the day.
Are you concerned about a hearing loss or know someone who is? Contact the team at All About Hearing now. They’re ready to assist you!