In the realm of modern medicine, the term “ototoxicity” may not be as familiar as other medical conditions, but its impact on hearing health is significant and often underestimated. At All About Hearing 4 U, we understand the importance of educating our patients about...
Understanding Auditory Function and Its Impact on Fall Risk: All About Hearing’s Perspective
At All About Hearing, we believe in the importance of staying updated with the latest research in the field of audiology to provide our community with the best care. Recently, we came across an enlightening study by experts Joseph Sakumura, AuD, and Richard Gans, PhD,...
In-Ear Monitors for Musicians
As a musician, practicing your music in the studio is the easy part. Yet, when you play to a large crowd, it can be difficult to hear your voice and easy to become overpowered by the energy of the crowd. In-ear monitors are used by many musicians, allowing them to...
Why Do My Ears Feel Clogged? 5 Ways to Unclog Your Ears
Very few things in life are more discomforting than clogged ears. Most people assume it’s due to wax or water, and while these are true, your ears can be clogged due to a range of reasons. If you need an answer to the age-old question, “Why do my ears feel clogged?”...
Hearing Protection: Knowing When Noise Levels Are Too High
While it's true that you should be able to fully enjoy your hearing, it's important to take measures to maintain healthy hearing and prevent permanent damage. By doing so, you can continue to indulge in all your favorite activities, whether it's listening to music,...
Are You Experiencing Loss Of Hearing In One Ear?
Experiencing hearing loss in one ear doesn't mean you're alone. Hearing loss is a common problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Factors such as age, genetics, exposure to loud noises, and certain medical conditions can cause it. In some cases, hearing loss in...
Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline – What is the Relationship?
A recent report from Medical News Today states that the worse a patient's hearing loss is, the worse their cognitive decline could be. Those with mild hearing loss have a 30% chance of developing cognitive issues, while those with severe hearing loss have a 54%...
Five Methods to Remove Earwax
We all produce earwax throughout our lives; it’s essential. Despite its unpleasant appearance and texture, it serves a vital role in keeping your ears protected. Earwax is an all-natural substance used to trap foreign debris from entering your ear canal. It prevents...
What to Do When Ear Wax Becomes A Problem
Ear wax (cerumen) is a waxy substance that helps provide the sensitive skin in the ear canal with a protective coating. Us audiologists love it as it provides so much protection for your ears, moisturizing the ear canal, and fighting off nasty infections. What Makes...
Why You Need An Audiologist For Ongoing Hearing Health
October is National Audiology Awareness Month, and we wanted to help bring awareness to not only the importance of audiology but to help you make an informed decision when looking at hearing health options. We know that telehealth can seem a little scary, but the best...